Sunday, August 31, 2014
Collaborative Grid

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Postcard Grid
In the first photo it shows the element of lines because in the picture there are different lines in different angles of the drawing. In the second photo is shows the element of shape because as you can see there are a variety of different shapes in the piece that make up the whole. In the third photo there is an element of color because it uses lots of bright colors such as yellow and red which blend well together. In the fourth photo it shows an element of value because it deals with the lightness or darkness of a color and in this picture it seems to be rather dark and shadowy. In the fifth image it conveys an element of form because it appears to be 3-dimensional and all the pieces seem to unite very well. In the sixth image it shows an element of texture because the drawing almost seems alive as if you could really touch it. In the seventh photo it shows an element of space because everything is touching and close to one another and it's almost as if the drawing will come off the edges of the paper. In the eighth photo it shows a principle of balance it looks like the two balls have to balance to stay in one place. In the ninth image it shows a principle of contrast because it creates excitement and drama through the different light and dark colors. In the tenth photo is shows a principle of emphasis because one particular part of the work stands out to me, which is the background; the background seems more important than the rest of the art. In the eleventh photo is shows a principle of movement because my focal point is the person wheeling the barrel of seeds around; that's what my eyes instantly focus on. In the twelfth image it shows a principle of pattern because it uses the same lines and colors throughout the piece of art. In the thirteenth photo it shows a principle of rhythm because certain lines reoccur throughout the drawing. The last image shows a principle of unity because all the elements in the picture make a complete whole and it flows well together.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Elementary Art Memory
When I was in elementary school, we had a separate room for art class that we would spend about an hour every other day making different kinds of projects. I remember my art teacher being very enthusiastic about art and you could definitely tell that she had a passion for what she was teaching. Her room was always decorated with art projects from different students in different grades, she had a "Wall of Fame" where the best pieces of art would go up. Mine never made the wall but my parents always hung my pieces up on the fridge, which made me feel special. I remember experimenting with clay and making different things, my parents also saved all of those projects. My teacher was always very encouraging and supportive to her students. I enjoyed art class but at times I would get frustrated because I didn't think my artwork was very good. I would tend to compare myself to other students. Then I realized that art is about expressing yourself and being your own person! My elementary art classes made me more open-minded about different kinds of artwork.
This is me! I am not the best artist but I enjoyed creating this self-portrait in class. As you can see, I have blonde hair and green eyes, and I am always smiling!
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