Monday, August 25, 2014

Elementary Art Memory

When I was in elementary school, we had a separate room for art class that we would spend about an hour every other day making different kinds of projects. I remember my art teacher being very enthusiastic about art and you could definitely tell that she had a passion for what she was teaching. Her room was always decorated with art projects from different students in different grades, she had a "Wall of Fame" where the best pieces of art would go up. Mine never made the wall but my parents always hung my pieces up on the fridge, which made me feel special. I remember experimenting with clay and making different things, my parents also saved all of those projects. My teacher was always very encouraging and supportive to her students. I enjoyed art class but at times I would get frustrated because I didn't think my artwork was very good. I would tend to compare myself to other students. Then I realized that art is about expressing yourself and being your own person! My elementary art classes made me more open-minded about different kinds of artwork.

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