Art Lesson Plan
Title: African Savanna Watercolor Resist
Grade Level: K-2
Suggested Time: 2-3 class periods
Unit: African Art
Medium: Watercolor Resist
Instructional Objectives: Students will create an original outdoor scene to show the illusion of space (MO.); Students will apply paint in even strokes to create a watercolor wash (MO.)
Elements of Art: line, color, space
Principles of Art: balance, emphasis, unity
Materials and Equipment: 12 by 18 inch white paper, pencil, crayons, watercolor, paint brush, cup of water, paper-towels
Vocabulary: background, middle-ground, foreground, landscape, horizon line
Art Production:
1. Anticipatory Set: draw with pencil, simple contours; cover all pencil with hard crayon; watercolor washes over whole surface.
2. Objectives: Students will create an outdoor scene and apply paint to create a watercolor wash.
3. Input: power-point presentation, you-tube links, games
4. Demonstration: Teacher showed the class how to divide paper into 3 different sections, and also showed examples of different animals to draw.
5. Check for Understanding: Teacher walked around and helped with the sizing of our drawings
6. Guided Practice: Teacher instructed students to use more paint
7. Independent Practice: Teacher came around and gave advice when needed
8. Closure: Took a picture of final project
Art History/Resources:
Aesthetic Questions: Do all landscapes have to be pretty?
Art Criticism/Analysis Questions: If you had the chance what would you change about your landscape? What was your favorite part about this project?
Evaluation Criteria: Quiz over the vocabulary words
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