Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chapter 7 Reflection

In Chapter 7 of Rethinking Curriculum in Art it talked about how to integrate other subjects into your art classroom. It's a great idea to involve other subjects into your classroom just like art should integrated into regular classrooms as well. In this chapter it really emphasizes how important it is to always have an enduring idea and essential questions for your students. I learned that it is recommended that today's art classrooms engage students with contemporary art and understanding the research practices that contemporary artists produce. It is important for students to interpret art in their own way, and to ask questions about artwork as well. It is also very important for teachers to help their students get engaged with what is being taught, and to make things exciting for them. I liked how in this chapter it really made a point to say how vital it is that kids are asking questions and understanding art. It is also important for teachers to help their students be as creative as possible.

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