Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chapter 6 Reflection

In Chapter 6 of Rethinking Curriculum in Art it discussed how to assess your students on the curriculum. This chapter gave step by step instructions on how to assess students, starting with planning. It is very important to plan ahead and to make sure that your students can demonstrate what they have just learned. It is also very important to constantly check in with your students to determine how well they are doing. The next step is to make sure that your lessons are aligned with the curriculum and with the standards. A teacher's unit of study should scaffold off of one another. There are a few different types of assessments, a couple of them would be formal assessment and summative assessment. A formal assessment is used to check if students are understanding with a little quiz here and there, and a summative assessment is at the end of the course to make sure your students learned everything they were supposed to. I enjoyed this chapter because it really emphasized the importance of planning ahead of time and frequently checking to make sure your students are learning the curriculum.

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