Monday, September 15, 2014

African Family Portrait

Art Lesson Plan
Title: African Family Portrait
Grade Level: 5th-6th 
Suggested time: 1-2 class periods
Unit: African Art
Medium: Drawing
Instructional Objectives: Student correctly uses art materials such as, paint, glue, markers, crayons, clay, pencils; Student manipulates images to resemble the art of particular cultures, times, places.
Elements of Art: line, shape, form
Principles of Design: balance, emphasis, unity
Materials and Equipment: 3 pieces of 8.5 by 11 paper, white school glue, pencil, sharpie, scissors
Vocabulary: contour, blind contour, observational, composition
Art Production:
1. Anticipatory Set: Teacher held up mask and drew it 2 different ways on the white board (contour and blind contour)
2. State Objectives: Today students will learn how to draw contour lines
3. Input: There were different sculptors on each table
4. Demonstration: Teacher showed students how to draw different contours
5. Check for Understanding: Students watched the teachers example
6. Guided Practice: Teacher showed students how to cut, glue, and draw
7. Independent Practice: Teacher walked around and assisted students
8. Closure: Took picture of final project

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