Art Lesson Plan
Title: Symmetrical African Mask
Grade level: 3rd-4th
Suggested time: 1.5-2 class periods
Unit: African Art
Medium: Cut paper
Instructional Objectives: Students will demonstrate good use of materials with scissors (KS.); Students will recognize relationships between history, culture, and visual arts (KS.)
Elements of Art: Color, Shape, Space
Principles of Design: Balance, Contrast, Unity
Materials and Equipment: Varied construction paper, 8 and 1/2 by 11 and 4 and 1/4 by 11, scissors, white school glue, pencil
Vocabulary: Symmetrical, mask, unity
Art Production:
1. Anticipatory Set: Teacher help up example and discussed lesson; showed students African mask
2. Objective: Students will understand how to use scissors safely
3. Input: Books with examples; African mask
4. Demonstration: Teacher demonstrated cuts, gluing, and drawing
5. Check for Understanding: Students watched teacher's example
6. Guided Practice: Teacher helped students cut pieces of paper out correctly
7. Independent Practice: Teacher walked around classroom and observed students and helped when needed
8. Closure: Students took a picture of their final project
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