Monday, September 1, 2014

Reflection (Ch. 1&2)

After reading chapters 1 and 2 in Rethinking Curriculum in Art I was way more open-minded to all the different opportunities you have as a teacher to incorporate art in your classroom. In the first chapter it discussed who should read this book and why, and I learned that it's most helpful for practicing teachers to give them useful ideas to use in their classrooms. It also focused on the different types of guidelines there are for art curriculum. The authors of this book wanted the purpose of this book to help teachers incorporate art into their classrooms and to help teachers develop strategies to help their students. In chapter two it talks about different assumptions people have about art and why art is really important for students. I have never really been a very good artist but now I know that doesn't even matter, as long as I make it a fun experience for my students. I can't wait to have my own classroom and to be able to be creative with my students and to help them express what's on their minds. The first couple of chapters really opened my eyes to how important art is for students and how being a teacher it's my job to help them express themselves as much as possible. These chapters were also helpful for understanding what standards there are in art that you should follow and keep up with as a teacher.

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