Monday, September 22, 2014

Chapter 5 Reflection

After reading chapter 5 in Rethinking Curriculum in Art I realized the importance of essential questions and the importance of teaching for deep understanding. Before starting a unit it is important to remember that you should establish foundations early on such as, enduring ideas, key concepts, and also unit lesson objectives so that students can focus in on lesson development. I learned in this chapter that it is always a good idea to ask question before a unit is started, and after it is finished to assess what your student know prior to the lesson and what they have learned afterwards. I liked the quote "We teach students, not subjects," because teachers are supposed to benefit their students as much as they can and not always just go by the book. It is essential that teachers find good methods to engage their students' interests in a unit. It is always important to think about how meaningful the learning experience is for the students and how much they are really getting out of it. I also learned that it is important for students to practice skills which requires connection to prior skills. When assessing students artwork or group work it is important that both the teacher and the student are aware of what needed to be accomplished. It is easier to do this when there is an organized plan to go by. I liked this chapter because I learned how important it is to be organized for your students and to help keep them focused on their goals and objectives.

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